Monday 16 April 2012

March 2012

Training has continued to progress very slowly – we have gradually increased the amount of running I’m doing. I’m now up to doing alternate strides on the track and grass.
We couldn’t find anyone on the island to do the required work on my ankles so I flew back to England for 2 weeks to see an ankle and foot specialist. After a couple of consultations he and his team decided that I need another set of MRI scans of a better quality and using dye so scar tissue will show as he thinks the scar tissue is the problem. If the scans show what he expects then I will have to fly back again for them to perform key hole surgery on both of my ankles – but they will do both at the same time! Initially I took the news badly as I am running out of patience and just want to get back into full training. It gets more frustrating as the season approaches. However, after a few days for it to sink in and talking to everyone in my support team I feel a lot better – we have an action plan of what is going to be done. In the meantime while waiting for the scan date I can increase training as I can’t do any more considerable damage: so I’m looking forward to that!
My trip back to England was very well timed as it was also my Nan’s 90th birthday so we had a big family meal for her. I was a total surprise for her as she thought I was in Malta she kept asking everybody if they knew I was coming (including my parents!). It was a lovely evening and great to see all the family together. It was also one of my best friend’s 21st party whilst I was back too: another bonus! Whilst I was back my friends that were around did a great job of cheering me up and getting me refocused.
I finally received my exam results at the end of the month. I’m happy to say I did very well so I can knuckle down and focus on the next ones!
This month was of course also marked by a good party time for St Paddies day! It was especially good as 2 of my uni mates are Irish – so we celebrated in traditional style!